Tuesday 20 September 2016

Sending an email

Step 1) Go to google and type in gmail step 2) Login into your Gmail account Step 3) Press "Compose" and a new window should appear Step 4) In the "to" box, enter the persons email. Step 5) In the "Subject" box enter what the email is all about Step 6) Now under the subject box you should have a massive text box, there's where you enter what you want to talk about and etc. Step 7) Press the big send button There you have it, you now know how to send an email, congratulations.

Method in debate

Pros and cons of each side: Computer cons: Need to spend a lot of money on it for upgrades By the time you've finished upgrading a better part has came out Computers pros: Able to stabalize at 60 frames Runs smoother Able to upgrade any part at any time Unlimited Storage Console cons: Unable to upgrade graphics Doesn't stabalize at 30-60 grahpics Console pros: Don't need to spend a lot of money to upgrade Good to play with your frineds I still remain with being a console person Listening, speaking and concentration. People were listening, not all people actually cnontributed to the debate, would of been a more interesting debate if everybody contributed to the debate at hand.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


Today I learnt about new computer parts and what they mean, I also learnt that even a low end gaming PC can play some high end games at a suitable amount of frames per second. Learn words GPU CPU RAM